
10 Sensory Activities to Boost Your Child's Development: Fun and Engaging Ideas

10 Jul

Are you looking for easy ways to boost your child's development? You might think that you need to buy expensive toys or enroll them in pricey programs, but there's actually a simpler solution: sensory activities! These activities engage your child's senses and can help them develop important skills like problem-solving, communication, and fine motor skills.

In this article, we've compiled a list of 10 fun and engaging sensory activities that you can enjoy with your child who is between the ages of 0-5 years old. So, whether you're a busy parent looking for quick and easy ways to bond with your child, or a caregiver hoping to help a child in your care grow and thrive, these sensory activities are a fantastic place to start. 

From finger painting to playing with different textures, there's something here for every child to enjoy. Get ready to have fun while supporting your child's growth and development.

  1. Sensory Bins: Sensory bins are a fun and interactive way for children to explore different textures and materials. To make a sensory bin, simply fill a large plastic container with materials such as sand, rice, beans, or water beads. You can add funnels, scoops, and small toys to make it even more engaging. Encourage your child to use their imagination and create their own games and stories while playing with the sensory bin.

  1. Playdough: Playdough is a classic sensory activity that kids love. It's easy to make at home using flour, salt, water, and oil, and you can add food coloring and scents to make it even more exciting. Use cookie cutters, rolling pins, and other tools to create shapes and designs, or encourage your child to use their imagination and create their own unique creations.

  1. Water play: Water play is a great way for kids to learn about cause and effect while having fun. Fill a large container with water and add toys, sponges, and cups to make it more engaging. Encourage your child to experiment with pouring and splashing, and explore the different properties of water.

  1. Bubble wrap: Bubble wrap is a cheap and easy way to provide a tactile sensory experience. Lay out a sheet of bubble wrap and let your child stomp, jump, and pop the bubbles. You can also use it as a painting tool by dipping it in paint and pressing it onto paper.

  1. Sensory bottles: Sensory bottles are a great way to provide visual stimulation and encourage calmness. Fill a plastic bottle with glitter, beads, or sequins, add water or oil, and seal it tightly. Your child can shake the bottle and watch as the contents swirl around.

  1. Texture boards: Texture boards are a great way to encourage exploration and develop fine motor skills. Cut out pieces of fabric, felt, sandpaper, or other materials and glue them onto a board. Encourage your child to touch and explore the different textures and identify the materials.

  1. Sensory walks: Sensory walks are a great way to get outside and explore the world around us. Take your child on a nature walk and encourage them to touch, smell, and hear the different elements of nature. You can also create a sensory path at home using materials such as foam, carpet, or textured mats.

  1. Edible sensory play: Edible sensory play is a fun way to engage kids' sense of taste and smell. Create a sensory bin filled with different foods such as cooked pasta, jello, or pudding. Encourage your child to explore the different textures and flavors, and develop their palates.

  1. Scented playdough: Add essential oils or extracts to your homemade playdough to create different scents. Use lavender for a calming effect, citrus for a refreshing scent, or peppermint for a cooling sensation. Your child can have fun playing with the playdough while also enjoying the different scents.

  2. Sensory storytime: Sensory storytime is a great way to engage kids' senses while promoting literacy skills. Choose a book with sensory elements such as touch-and-feel pages, scratch-and-sniff stickers, or sound effects. Encourage your child to interact with the sensory elements while you read the story together.

Looking for ways to support your child's growth and development? Look no further than Kindersteps - Our free parenting app that offers over 1500+ early childhood developmental activities for kids between the ages of 0-5 years. We believe that you and your children deserve nothing less than our best, which is why we've curated a wide variety of sensory activities that you can easily do at home. By incorporating sensory experiences into your child's routine, you can support their cognitive, emotional, and physical development.

Ready to get started? Click here to download the Kindersteps app and start exploring!

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