
The 4-Month Sleep Regression: How to Help Your Baby

01 Apr

Around the age of 4 months, you might notice your baby’s sleeping habits alter dramatically. As much as we all hope and expect that our kid's sleep improves as they grow, their sleep does not always follow a strictly linear pattern. There will be moments when your baby sleeps rather well, and times when their sleep appears to deteriorate or regress.

Your infant might be going through a regression if he/she was previously sleeping well through the night and then suddenly stopped, the major symptom being a rapid change in sleep habits. Some other indicators of sleep regression include trouble falling asleep, short naps, frequent night awakenings, increased fussiness, and trying to fight sleep.

As a parent, sleep regressions can be tiring. But don't panic - if you're experiencing your baby's first sleep regression, we're here to assist you to navigate this crucial developmental milestone. Before trying the suggestions below, it’s a good idea to make sure your baby, isn’t ill. An illness can also disrupt their sleep patterns. See your doctor if your baby has a fever or is much fussier than normal. 

Here are a few tricks to help you manage a sleep regression better: 

1. Establish a bedtime routine

Bedtime routines are an effective way to teach your baby what to expect at different times of the day. A peaceful, consistent routine can also help your infant relax and prepare for sleep. Breastmilk or formula feeding, a warm bath, changing into dry diapers, and a fresh set of clothes and singing a lullaby should be part of your bedtime routine. When the same set of activities is repeated in the same order each time, it increases their sense of security. This makes it much simpler for them to fall asleep.

2. Use the swing

The swing can be a terrific technique to calm a cranky baby and help them sleep if they wouldn't otherwise. Just keep an eye on your kid as he sleeps in the swing as you don't want your baby to sleep in there for long periods of time.

3. Put your baby to bed early

Make sure your kid isn't fully asleep when you put your baby to bed.  Instead, you want your child to be drowsy at most so they can transition into sleep on their own. Sit by their side and offer reassurance, both physical and verbal, as they close their eyes and slowly drift off to sleep.

4. Help your baby stay rested 

Babies usually need 10 to 12 hours of sleep every night, however, this varies for each child. If the regression is causing your baby to sleep less and be weary throughout the day, let them take additional naps to compensate for their missed sleep. This will let your baby sleep better at night.

5. Let your baby sleep in a calming environment

Since kids become more alert around 4 months, it is critical to keep all stimulation out of their room during their sleep times. So set the tone for a restful night's sleep and make sure the room is dark and temperature controlled. If your baby wakes up too soon, the darkness will help encourage them to fall back asleep.

6. Keep an eye out for clues of tiredness

Try to identify indicators of a sleepy baby, such as fussiness or yawning. This can be a sign to start your bedtime routine so you can put them to bed while they're not fully asleep.

7. Allow children to fall asleep on their own 

The most essential thing you can do to lessen the severity of the 4-month regression is to help your baby learn to fall asleep on their own. Babies who can fall asleep without assistance e.g., patting, rocking, or feeding to sleep can utilize the same abilities to connect sleep cycles at night. As a result, the child will be able to sleep for extended lengths of time.

The 4-month sleep regression is a totally normal phase of child development, but you can help your baby sleep better. The idea is to keep your baby's sleep patterns as consistent as possible and your baby should be back to regular sleep patterns in just a few weeks.

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